

Page history last edited by Mallory Burton 9 years, 7 months ago

Multiple Means of Representation for the BC Curriculum


(graphic above created with Shape Collage)


Completed and Planned Pages (Links updated, removed, or repaired Feb 2014)



Social Studies 

Aboriginal Cultures: General overview of Aboriginal Cultures with cross-cultural focus (grades 4/5)

Aboriginal Cultures: Haida (grades 4/5)

Aboriginal Cultures: Inuit (grades 4/5)

Aboriginal Cultures: Tsimshian (grade 4/5)

Canada: Exploration, Settlement, and Immigration (grade 5)

Canada: Fur Trade (grades 4/5, 8/9)

Canada: Governance (grade 5)

Canada: Gold Rush (grade 5)

Canada: Provinces, Capitals, and Symbols (grade 5)

Canada:  Transportation and Communication  (grade 5)

Continents (grade 4)

Egypt (grade 7 UDL-designed site for students by Harwin Elementary teachers)




Earth's Crust; The Rock Cycle (grade 7)

Earth's Resources: General Overview of  Resources and Conservation (grade 5)

Earth's Resources: Energy (grade 5)

Earth's Resources: Forest (grade 5)

Earth's Resources: Mining (grade 5)

Earth's Resources: Salmon (grade 4/5)

Earth's Resources: Water (grade 5) 

Ecosystems (grade 7)

Electricity (grade 6)

Extreme Environments: Space (grade 6)  also see Solar System (grade 3)

Extreme Environments:  Ocean (grade 6)

Extreme Environments:  Desert (grade 6)

Extreme Environments: Polar Regions (grade 6)

Extreme Environments: Volcanoes (grade 6) planned

Food Chains (grade  4)

Forces and Machines (grade 5)

Habitats, Biomes, and Adaptations (Grade 5)

Human Body:  Circulatory System (grade 5)

Human Body:  Respiratory System (grade 5)

Human Body: Bones, Muscles, Skin (grade 5)

Human Body:  Digestive System (grade 5)

Human Body:  Nervous System (grade 5)

Light (grade 4)

Optics (grade 8) 

Solar System (grade 3)

Sound (grade 4)

Weather (grade 4)


Language Arts

Novel Study:  To Kill a Mockingbird (UDL-designed by Maureen LaFleche)

Novel Study:  Holes (UDL-designed by Maureen LaFleche and Mallory Burton)

Poetry (K-7 UDL-designed choices for a school-wide poetry unit by Fairview Elementary teachers)



BC Math Teachers Wiki (grade 8/9)


Other UDL and Technology Wikis

BC UDL Wiki  (content from the BC Universal Design for Learning Project)

Paul Hamilton's new UDL Resources website and Free Resources from the Net for Every Learner blog

Maureen LaFleche's Curriculum Resources Weebly.  Maureen updated and added more links Feb 2014.  Check it out! Updated Feb 2014

Differentiation Daily has practical ideas for differentiating in many subject areas by teacher Paula Kluth

Danny Nicholson The Whiteboard Blog (great ideas and tutorials)

James Hollis Teachers Love SMARTBoards blog (great ideas and tutorials)

SMARTInclusion Project (using SMARTBoards for inclusion in Upper Canada)

Kelly Tenkley's iLearn Technology blog  (great classroom ideas for using tech)


My Favourite Links for Curriculum Planning

I rarely do a general Google search for curriculum planning.  Instead, I head straight to a number of excellent sites that have already identified educational materials.  I have made a page on this wiki that describes my favourite Links for Curriculum Planning.   Updated April 2015 


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